From my cool hashtags, I am sure you can tell that I am completely over my weight loss journey already. LOL! I have actually lost weight and I am feeling pretty good about it. I will take those two to three pounds and try to raise it to three to four more pounds. However, I am okay with losing a little at a time as long as I am consistently losing and not gaining.
So, I did not exercise and I believe there are some doubts attached to me not exercising. Yep! There is a small part of me that believes that I will never reach my goal so why should I even try. It sucks that I feel that way, but I have the power to change the lack of confidence that I have in myself. It is one thing to doubt another person because you cannot change what another person will do. I am super glad that I can change what I do.
What are some things that I will do to overcome how I am feeling? Well, well, well (as my grandmother would say). Here is my mental plan in a nutshell.
1. Get rid of negative thinking - Once I think better, I will actually do better.
2. Put a demand on my body - When I put myself to a challenge, I obligate myself to accept the challenge and exceed my own expectations.
3. Continually remind myself that I have already been at the weight that I want to be now.
As you can see, my issues have nothing to do with people. Forget people when I have to deal with me in my head all day, right!?! I have to make up in my mind that it is NOT an option for me to do less than my best. I must meet my goal. What are some things that have hindered you in your weight loss efforts and how can I come in agreement that we will meet our goals? Comment below and let's work on it together.
Have a blessed day!