Pushing beyond the pain #becoming #kingdomwoman
More and more I am experiencing the hand of God shaping, making, and molding me into this person that I like so much more than I did the day before. My heart is more pliable. My mouth is quieter. I am even more teachable than I was. Even when it hurts, I still yield to God so much more now than I used to.
One of my favorite scriptures of hope is found in Phillipians 1:6, “Being confident in this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” I am so thankful that because I am His and He is mine I have access to being a much better person, a kingdom woman even.
Sure this may be a bit much for some, but I am finding that the days are growing shorter and shorter. It’s obvious that no matter who you do or do not believe in time is almost up. We don’t have that extended time to be hateful, filled with vengeance, prideful, etc.
What’s your point, Ty? Well, even when it hurts we have to push past ourselves to love harder, heal quicker, and laugh longer. Who am I loving? Everybody. We don’t owe anyone anything but to love them. Heal from what? Allow God to heal all the hurts, pains, upsets, disappointments, and/or whatever else you have endured. Laugh?
Huh? Laughter is our daily dose of a medication that needs no prescription or advertisement. It heals us without reservation.
Many times my feelings were hurt by a messed up date with my husband or mean words my children may have uttered in anger. Again, I was hurt but I didn’t stay there. Staying there profited me nothing. Though I may have been pulling my hair out on the inside, I chose to respond with love.
I challenge you to not only try it but share this. We must chose love even when it hurts. Even when we are scared to allow anyone else in we must chose love. Perfect love hurls fear in the trash faster than any pitcher I’ve ever seen or heard of.
I double dog dare you to try it and watch it work for you. We can’t change people but we can definitely yield to changes within.
By the way, I never said this would be easy. Try this guide to making good decisions and even take some time to read a book by Tony Evans entitled "The Kingdom Woman". Be sure to comment and let me know how it works.
Have a blessed day.